For Fox Sake Vote Conservative
hey soz i aint bin on in a while!
Christ scarlett i swear on my life i didnt say a word to chris (and neither did Jas)!!!!!
I went to the Grand National!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was one of the best days of my life!!!
When we got there though we had to goe through security and i forgot to take my phone out of my pocket so i set the alarms off!!! it was sooooooooooooooo embarassing!!! Thankfully when i showed them my phone they let me through!! We walked round the National course and i nearly died! The jumps are bloody huge and scary, especially when you consider that at the start you are going to be travelling at 35mph and have a possibility of another 39 horses around you! Not forgetting loose horses!!!! Becher's Brook is 5"2 but built like a house. By the way Becher's Brook is 5"2 on the take off side, on the landing side its around 6". Yeah, scary stuff alright!!! Mum took a photo of me stood by it so you guys can get an idea of just how big it is!! Then the Chair, thats just waaaaaaaaaaaaay too bad!! Its the same height as Becher's, built wider and thicker than Becher's and to top it off it has a 6" ditch in front of it. Lovely. Bloody great! Let's just say my vision of me being a National Hunt Jockey is no more! After we walked the course we went to Red Rum's grave and it was sooooooooo sad! Grown men were stood by it crying! When you stand by it its just so emotional that its impossible not to cry. Even though he died nearly 10 years ago his grave is still covered in fresh flowers and people scatter polo's over it as well. When you stand by it you also get an eerie feeling as he was a legend and he is now on 'his' turf. Just to prove my point Moscow Flyer (a horse that is one of the greats) refuses to goe underneath the canopy in the winner's enclosure. Is it coincidence or do champs honour champions and sense their presence when surrounded by their legend? We then went to Red Rum's statue and on the way we fell in love with this police horse called Major he was clydesdale x shire and as you can imagine he was a big boy!! We then stood outside the Jockeys walkway and i managed to meet Barry Geraghty!!! The fittest bloke in horse racing and i met him!! I got his autograph and had my picture taken with him! He is even more gorgeous in real life!!! Mum thought i was going to faint when he walked off i was just so thrilled to have met him! Rooster Booster was running that day as well so i managed to get some nice photos of him and managed to see him race in front of me before he retires (hopefully they will retire them at the end of this season as he is a champion who has had his day and although he loves racing its just heart breaking to see him trying so hard and being beaten by the younger horses). Then the 40 runners of the Grand National enetered the Paddock and as each one went past i silently looked him in the eye and wished him luck and prayed for him to come home safe and sound! It worked though cos they all did!!!!! We managed to get to the front of the Winner's Enclosure and saw the winner (Hedgehunter - what a horse!!) being led in and saw all of the trophies being presented! Talk about amazing!!! Anyway i had a brilliant day so i'll stop rambling now!!!
I stayed the night at Jason's last night - and no we didnt do anything like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so lovely!!! I fell asleep in his arms in the afternoon when we were watching telly, i was just so happy and peaceful!! It was only 10 minutes though cos we went to see the newborn foal who is gorgeous!! In the morning he came into my bed and we were snuggled up under the duvet - i thought i was in heaven!! I just hope that me and Jas are strong enough to last cos now i cant imagine being with any other guy! I dont think i even want to be with any other guy ever if me and Jas split. I LOVE HIM SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!
Love squeaker