In Between Dreams

heelloo!! To all you nosey fuckers who know who you are... Fuck off!! ------xx------

Friday, October 07, 2005

When people say, "I’m so tired it's not even funny" or "my head hurts so much it's not even funny", why would it even be funny in the first place?

If the sky is the limit, then what is space, over the limit?

Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here and drink what comes out"?

Who was the first person to say, "See that chicken over there ... I'm gonna eat the first thing that comes out if its butt"?

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

Can you get cornered in a round room?

"Have you ever noticed that if you rearranged the letters in mother in law, they come out to Woman Hitler?"

Why is it that when things get wet they get darker, even though water is clear??

Why do you get in trouble for blocking an exit when you're standing in the doorway? In case of an emergency, wouldn't you run out, too, therefore NOT blocking the exit

Why do they call the small candy bars the "fun sizes"? Wouldn't be more fun toeat a big one

If CD’s were spun in the opposite direction, would it say everything backwards

If you were born exactly on 12:00 midnight on December 31st – January 1st, which year would you say you were born in

What happens when you say “hi” to your friend on an airplane who's name is Jack

Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours

If your named Will and you are in the army do you get worried when people say fire at will

If there were a knowledge contest, would the female winner be called Miss Informed

Have you ever thought what life would be like if your name was Anonymous? You'd get credit for everything nobody wanted credit for


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