In Between Dreams

heelloo!! To all you nosey fuckers who know who you are... Fuck off!! ------xx------

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The wild Mustang - symbols of hope and freedom

Horses ~ Wild and Free
Giving our Hearts ~ Wings
Our Spirits ~ Hope
and Our Dreams ~ Inspiration

Mythical, magical horses, Domestic horses and Mustangs, the wild ones.
They capture our Hearts. They capture our...Souls
They give what no other creature, living or myth, can give.
They give us Hope, Love, Strength, Courage, Dreams, Inspirations, and they give our Hearts Wings

...I could smell the sweat as it ran off their bodies,
sun glistening on muscle as they ran towards the sun;
Knew without words their message and meaning,
They were Freedom, Love and Truth on the run...

To be able to see these magnificent animals in the wild is truly a grand site, as they run across the plains, wild and free.

Born free,
as free as the wind blows,
as free as the grass grows.
Born free to follow your heart.
Live free and beauty surrounds you.
Born free,
and life is worth living.
But only worth living
because you were born free...

The emotions evoked by the "wild" mustangs cannot be compared to those we feel for even our most beloved cat or dog. Their size, power and graceful movements uniquely represent the magnitude of their beauty. They demand environmental health on a large scale yet they are capable of surviving even under the most difficult circumstances. If we look, we find that they provide a reflection of our own most basic life struggles: the need to feel safe and secure, to be in control and to exist harmoniously within a social structure. Their loss would be our tragedy; they cannot be replaced by other species. Diversity of species and overall herd health will be required for long-term survival. We should not view their existence as a burden to us. Rather, it is not only because of their historical contribution but the ways in which they continue to contribute to us today that we cannot afford to allow their numbers to dwindle.


At 14 September, 2005 23:37, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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