In Between Dreams

heelloo!! To all you nosey fuckers who know who you are... Fuck off!! ------xx------

Sunday, February 13, 2005


sometimes i quite
often wonder why we are put on this earth and 9 times out of ten i come up
the answer that we are put on this earth to suffer!
Now im not some
depressed maniac but think about it logically, why are we put on this earth
we have to put up with so much s**t?
Until about a week
ago i was quite down - My Dad told me never to contact him again and
made me feel small, My Mum lives all the way in Dorset so i'm
stuck on my own
back in Somerset with no parents! Great!!! Luckily for me i
have a great Aunt
and Uncle who are letting me live with them (i wonder do
they know what they are
letting themselves in for). I have been under so
much stress that i've lost over
half a stone and the many sleepless nights
are starting to take their
toll. Then we have to deal with this
demented ban on hunting. Why it is
being banned i really dont know but all
im gonna say (otherwise i will be
rambling away all night) is that all the
Anties and Blair don't know what they
are letting themselves in for and
don't know the full strength of the
countryside when its up for a fight.
Last but not least i lost my horse three
years ago due to some rare disease
and that generally hit me quite hard and
still does to this present
day. However, whilst messing around on the net
i found this great site
called hoofbeats in heaven and it allows you to post a
tribute about your
horse if it has passed away (if your feeling nosey then mine
is under the
name of Toya).
But this was all a
week ago and since then i met this great guy called Jason. He is really
and lovely and makes me laugh and generally i feel happy and contented
when i'm
around him. So we are now going out and i have a great boyfriend
who i wouldnt
change for the world!!!


At 14 February, 2005 19:20, Blogger Scarlett said...

arw babe...

I want you to know :
I am SOOOOOOOOOO proud of you!!!

everything you've been through, and your still realy strong, but you should have sed about the weight and sleepless nights.

Remember I am always here 4 u, me + bubz both!

love ya


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